To supplement our site readiness and site certification services, we provide a variety of additional services that are available individually or to supplement those offerings.
Our resources and tools are flexible to help you prepare to compete and win projects.

Workforce Analysis
Since workforce is a key factor in site selection decisions, you need the labor and demographics data that companies are seeking. We leverage our site selection expertise and subscription databases to provide a report that reflects the most up-to-date information available – either for the general community or within the drive-time surrounding a specific site. Quest equips you with information that enables you to market your workforce, as well as to respond quickly and comprehensively with customized labor data.
Union Data
We provide our site selection clients with detailed information on union offices and elections through our proprietary union database – which is now available to you. Leveraging this database enables you to proactively position your site and community and respond to specific inquiries about unionization. For more information, visit our union data page. Learn more.
Strategic Planning
Knowing where to start or where to focus your resources can be overwhelming. A highly customized, data-backed strategic plan is a valuable tool to guide your efforts towards measurable goals. Utilizing specific recommendations, Quest can provide your team with an actionable roadmap to lead you to economic development success.
Community Assessment
First impressions are often lasting impressions. We will visit your community and give our third-party perspective on how your community appears through our site selector lens. We’ll provide you with a summary of our findings and specific recommendations on how to better position yourself for future projects.
Report Card (RFI and/or Site Visit)
Our Report Cards provide specific feedback on the team’s performance with completing RFIs and/or conducting a site visit. In addition to an evaluation of how you did, we also provide recommendations on how to better position yourself for future projects.
GIS Map Set
Maps play a critical role in conveying technical information during site selection projects. We have the GIS software and expertise to provide a professional and consistent map set with your branding to be used in proactive marketing and RFP responses. Our maps help you make a strong first impression.
Speaking Engagements
Our team is available to speak at events on topics pertaining to site selection and economic development. We tailor our presentations to fit your specific interests and audience needs. To request a speaker or participation at your next event, contact our team via our contact form.
Customized Services
Do you need our help with something else that’s not on this list? We are able to customize our service offerings to ensure you get the expert guidance you need to make your communities prosper. Contact us today to talk through your current challenges to strategize a plan.